Saturday, February 5, 2011

Daily Declutter Challenge #12 - Digital Holiday Photos

I loooooove taking lots of pictures.  But I'm soooooo bad at organizing them after they're uploaded.  My Kodak Easy Share software has a weird way of arranging them by date so that the first number is the day and that's what order the folders are in.  So you could have 02/08/2010 right next to 03/01/2011.  Errrrg.  I've never been good at staying on top of renaming the folders or sorting them into categories, and now it's a giant, bewildering mess. 

But coming back from a week long holiday I knew I needed to deal with them right away.  Off and on all week I've been deleting, editing, & putting into folders.  Tonight the we sat down as a family and watched them all on the big screen just like in the old days of "slide projector shows".  Except there was no fighting over who got to press the clicker.  Too bad, really.

Here's a post if you need some tips from the Organizing Junkie about how to organize your digital photos.

The good news with all this digital organization?  I'm actually going to get a photo book made up with some favourite moments from our trip.  Then maybe we'll actually look at the pics from time to time!

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